This will be first year that I’ve missed the annual LandWatch lunch. Will miss seeing LandWatch staff and friends. Hope the event is a great success. LandWatch remains my favorite nonprofit, having founded it in 1996 with Becky, Bradley, and several other close friends.
I encourage anyone who lives in or visits Monterey County, or appreciates its produce, wine and agricultural heritage; or who loves Steinbeck, Cannery Row, and the literary tradition of the region; or who dreams about Big Sur; or who cares about affordable housing for low and moderate income families; or who generally supports smart land use and urban infill and opposes urban sprawl, to go!

If you’d like to attend our lunch to learn more about LandWatch, please RSVP by October 20th to 759-2824 or You will receive location details when you RSVP. The lunch is free to attend, but you will be asked to become a LandWatch member by making a contribution.