[Physician-friends, feedback invited!]We just ordered an oxygen meter for (possibly) early diagnosis of coronavirus. See:COVID-19: Home Pulse Oximetry Could Be Game Changer, Says ER Doc This from a scientist-friend (non-physician) who first suggested it:Here’s the article that talks about low oxygen preceding breathing troubleThe Infection That’s Silently Killing Coronavirus Patients Here’s one with an interview with the same physician where he mentions GermanyA German Exception? Why the Country’s Coronavirus Death Rate Is Low The very first paragraph of this … more
Category Archives: Blog
Wood versus fossil fuels
What piqued my interest: “Climate change is caused by bringing up stored carbon from underground. That’s what a fossil fuel is. Burning trees, which we also do in campfires and our fireplaces, is not as bad as burning coal.” [emphasis added] @leahstokes My replies Not sure that’s right — no time to research, but see here “When burned, trees generate more CO2 emissions per unit of energy generated than fossil fuels.” + loss of carbon sequestration.” I’m … more
Volleyball in the Time of Cholera (or The True Meaning of Shit Ball) – Oct. 6, 2014
Science Denial: Covid-19 and Climate Science
Why don’t we treat climate change like an infectious disease? (Grist) ‘Misinformation kills’: The link between coronavirus conspiracies and climate denial (Grist) The COVID-19 Pandemic Exposes The Harm Of Denying Scientific Facts (Forbes) 6 Ways Trump’s Denial of Science Has Delayed the Response to COVID-19 (and Climate Change) (Inside Climate Change) If The Virus Can Decimate Global Economies So Can Climate Change (Forbes) Coronavirus and climate change: The pandemic is a fire drill for our … more
Covid-19 Coronavirus Pandemic Data Sources
Covid-19 Coronavirus Pandemic (Worldometer) Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) – Statistics and Research (Our World in Data) Total confirmed cases of COVID-19 (US) (Our World in Data) Infection Trajectory: See Which Countries are Flattening Their COVID-19 Curve (Visual Capitalist) Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center Impact of non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPIs) to reduce COVID-19 mortality and healthcare demand (Imperial College COVID-19 Response Team) The Covid-19 risks for different age groups, explained (Vox) State-by-state COVID-19 projections assuming full social distancing … more
How to Fight the Coronavirus
How to fight the coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2 and its disease, COVID-19 Michael Lin, PhD-MDAssociate Professor of Neurobiology, of Bioengineering and, by courtesy, of Chemical and Systems BiologyStanford UniversityLin Lab Briefing 2020-03-13Revised 2020-03-20 Regularly updated here by Michael Lin Warning: Contains factsBonus: Hand sanitizer recipe This is not a pretty powerpoint This is an informational document. This is not a TED talk. It is not meant to entertain or dazzle or push an idea with beautiful graphics. … more
Scientists’ Call to Action: Make Your Voice Heard to Protect Science and Public Health
From Sudip S. Parik, Chief Executive Officer, American Association For The Advancement Of Science (AAAS), and Executive Publisher, Science Journals Dear Members, I’m writing to alert you about an important matter and to ask for your help in addressing it. As many of you many know, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has been considering a proposal informally known as the “Transparency Rule.” {Though the rule’s true aim is anything but transparent.} If implemented, this policy would fundamentally change … more
Best of the Worst of Trump
We’re ready for it. We’re really prepared. We have — as I said, we’ve had — we have the greatest people in the world. We’re very ready for it. We hope it doesn’t spread. There’s a chance that it won’t spread too, and there’s a chance that it will, and then it’s a question of at what level. So far, we’ve done a great job. When you have 15 people, with this whole world coming … more
Volleyball Coaching Videos
Indoors Coaching Tips: Volleyball: Serves – Terry Liskevych Episode 1 Coaching Tips: Volleyball: RECEIVE / PASS – Terry Liskevych Episode 2 Hitting Tips – Terry Liskevych – The Art of Coaching Volleyball AVCA Video Tip of the Week: Passing Technique with Karch Kiraly Beach Volleyball Tips: How to pass on the beach. Beach Volleyball passing with Holly McPeak Beach Volleyball Attacking Tip – The Batter’s Box 3 TIPS to Improve your DEFENSE | Beach Volleyball … more
Environmental Career References
Environmental Jobs — offers free newsletters Environmental Science Careers Environmental Career Center Net Impact Environmental Science Internships Bright Green Talent (LinkedIn Group)