
For those moments when a stiff drink isn’t available: 3 things I learned while my plane crashed Gratitude Dan Gilbert: The surprising science of happiness There’s More to Life Than Being Happy 13 Small Choices That Can Change Your Life In Great Ways Candy Chang: Before I die I want to… And when you’re wondering why lions eat their young: Good Parenting Skills: 7 Research-Backed Ways to Raise Kids Right  

Good Parenting Skills: 7 Research-Backed Ways to Raise Kids Right – Business Insider

Good Parenting Skills: 7 Research-Backed Ways to Raise Kids Right – Business Insider. From Eric Barker, Barking Up The Wrong Tree I’ve posted about the research behind happy families and solid marriages, but what does science say about good parenting skills? Po Bronson and Ashley Merryman do an excellent job of rounding up the latest research in their book, NurtureShock: New Thinking About Children.           Here are my highlights: 1) Praise Kids … more

25 Who Got Us Here – Monterey County Weekly: 25th Anniversary

25 Who Got Us Here – Monterey County Weekly: 25th Anniversary. I’m honored to be recognized in Monterey County Weekly’s 25th anniversary issue as one of 25 leaders who “helped get Monterey County to now.” Thank you to those of you who have supported LandWatch over the years and helped improve the political and geographic landscape of Monterey County. Mike DeLapa, 57 Social entrepreneur Mike DeLapa fell hard and fast for Monterey – as hard and … more

13 Small Choices That Can Change Your Life In Great Ways

13 Small Choices That Can Change Your Life In Great Ways.   While practicing neuropsychiatry and studying neuroscience for 40 years, my interest expanded from the human brain to include evidence of mind throughout nature—in animals, plants, microbes, and other cells. Amazingly, even plants and cells have intelligence, which means that science isn’t all we’ve been taught to believe. From my decades of research, there are simple important things that I wish everyone knew. Some … more

There’s More to Life Than Being Happy – Emily Esfahani Smith – The Atlantic

Given the choice of escape from Nazi Austria or the almost certain imprisonment in a concentration camp if he stayed to help his parents, Viktor Frankl chose to stay. Out of that experience came his bestselling 1946 book, Man’s Search for Meaning, “which he wrote in nine days about his experiences in the camps.” Among his insights: Everything can be taken from a man but one thing, the last of the human freedoms — to choose … more

You asked about Santa Barbara

Where we stay: El Capitan Canyon – really the coolest place to stay, but it’s pretty far out of town. Franciscan Inn – inexpensive, very convenient, easy to walk everywhere, but it’s not plush by any means Eagle Inn – same as Franciscan Others – http://www.tripadvisor.com/Hotels-g33045-Santa_Barbara_California-Hotels.html http://www.sbtreservations.com/zcom/hotelJump/Start.do?compid=406 But also great camping north of Santa Barbara – Gaviota, El Capitan, Refugio and others http://www.santabarbara.com/activities/camping/ Restaurants – Low end Super Rica Mexican on Milpas – my favorite … more

Monterey Peninsula Restaurants (updated 2018)

January 2018 We’re often asked where we like to eat (and we like to eat). Here are our current dinner favorites, in additional to our old favorites: Dinner La Balena (Carmel) – Our favorite Italian restaurant, hands-down. Emanuele and Anna do a great job with local ingredients, inspired by Emanuele’s Tuscan tradition. Il Grillo (Carmel). Also owned by Emanuele and Anna, Il Grillo is a bit more casual, a bit less expensive, and a lot easier to … more

Utah, Colorado, and Yampa River Resources (2013)

Reading List Desert Solitaire: A Season in the Wilderness Rockhounding Utah Books by Utah Authors (Goodreads) Guide to the Green and Yampa River in Dinosaur National Monument How the Yampa River and its Dependents Survived the Drought of 2012 and video story Websites Holiday River Expeditions – Yampa River Vernal, UT Colorado Tourism – Official Colorado Vacation Guide | Colorado.com Yampa River State Park Yampa River in Dinosaur National Monument – National Park Service Friends … more