May 7, 2022 Remarks of Michael DeLapa Good afternoon. My name is Michael DeLapa and I’m a friend of Gary Hart and the Hart family. I want to make sure that’s on the record because it may not be entirely clear as I reflect on my relationship with Gary. On behalf of Gary and Cary, their daughters Elissa, Katherine, and Laura, their families, and the extended Hart family, I would like to welcome you today … more
Category Archives: Politics
Best of the Worst of Trump
We’re ready for it. We’re really prepared. We have — as I said, we’ve had — we have the greatest people in the world. We’re very ready for it. We hope it doesn’t spread. There’s a chance that it won’t spread too, and there’s a chance that it will, and then it’s a question of at what level. So far, we’ve done a great job. When you have 15 people, with this whole world coming … more
The Truth About Climate Change, Still Inconvenient –
The Truth About Climate Change, Still Inconvenient – WORLD U.S. N.Y. / REGION BUSINESS TECHNOLOGY SCIENCE HEALTH SPORTS OPINION ARTS STYLE TRAVEL JOBS REAL ESTATE AUTOS OP-ED COLUMNIST The Truth, Still Inconvenient By PAUL KRUGMAN Published: April 3, 2011 RECOMMEND TWITTER COMMENTS (428) E-MAIL PRINT REPRINTS SHARE So the joke begins like this: An economist, a lawyer and a professor of marketing walk into a room. What’s the punch line? They were three of the five … more
Climate of Hate –
Climate of Hate – OP-ED COLUMNIST Climate of Hate By PAUL KRUGMAN Published: January 9, 2011 RECOMMEND TWITTER COMMENTS (214) E-MAIL SEND TO PHONE PRINT REPRINTS SHARE When you heard the terrible news from Arizona, were you completely surprised? Or were you, at some level, expecting something like this atrocity to happen? Fred R. Conrad/The New York Times Paul Krugman Go to Columnist Page » Blog: The Conscience of a Liberal Related Evidence Points to Methodical … more
Chris Christie’s Position on Climate Change Depends on the Last Thing He Watched — Daily Intel
Chris Christie’s Position on Climate Change Depends on the Last Thing He Watched — Daily Intel. “Mankind, is it responsible for global warming? Well I’ll tell you something. I have seen evidence on both sides of it. I’m skeptical — I’m skeptical. And you know, I think at the at the end of this, I think we’re going to need more science to prove something one way or the other. But you know — … more
In Kansas, Climate Skeptics Embrace Green Energy –
In Kansas, Climate Skeptics Embrace Green Energy –
Global Warming, The Environment And The Causes Of Genocide | The New Republic
Global Warming, The Environment And The Causes Of Genocide | The New Republic.
Bill McKibben On Global Warming, Climate Denial, And Conservatives | The New Republic
Bill McKibben On Global Warming, Climate Denial, And Conservatives | The New Republic.
Nudge the Vote: How Behavioral Science is Remaking Politics
Nudge the Vote: How Behavioral Science is Remaking Politics –