Memorial website for Wiley Thomas Birkhofer.
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Guest Opinion: The nettlesome path to helping our teens | November 14, 2014 | Palo Alto Weekly | Palo Alto Online |
“But our schools are just a mirror of our local culture; they are us.”
St. Stephen’s School: regarding Spring Trips
This just in. For real? You tell me. Dear Students and Parents, After the success of Fall Trips, it is time to begin planning for the longer ‘Spring’ excursions. These are scheduled for the week of March 2 to March 6, 2015, but some will leave the weekend before or return the weekend after. Participation, other than for seniors, is mandatory and part of the school curriculum. In addition to a wide variety of organized … more
Random thoughts from random emails to not-so-random friends
Beans and tortillas are alive and well, along with street food of infinite variety. Last week it was tacos de cabeza, lingua, y castilla. But truth be told, I’d sell my soul for a simple arugula salad and an heirloom tomato. What passes for a tomato here is more closely related to the pink plastic shells they bring out to fill with Easter candy than it is to a vegetable. I dodged a Mexican bullet … more
Go take a walk
From one of my favorite (free) newsletters, Mutual Fund Observer, because of it’s quirky writing and observations. This being the most recent of them: In a college with more trees than students, autumn is stunning. Around the campus pond and along wooded paths, trees begin to erupt in glorious color. At first the change is slow, more teasing than apparent. But then we always have a glorious reign of color … followed by a glorious rain … more

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Dinner last night at new Mediterranean restaurant – mistake – pricey and mediocre

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Dinner with Charlie at La Brecha – fantastic tacos de lengua, cabeza, and castilla. Good food for sick (cold) boys.
El choque
Hola Miguel y Charlie, ¡Qué mala suerte que tuvieron un choque automovilístico! Por suerte nadie se ha lastimado, ¿verdad? Menos mal. Es cierto que manejar en México es muy diferente que manejar aquí en los EEUU. ¿Por qué? Porque allí en México muchos choferes no respetan las leyes de conducir/manejar. Pero ¿qué pasó con tu español después del choque, Miquel. ¿Se te olvidó todo? Qué bueno que Charlie estaba contigo para interpretar. ¡Bien hecho, Charlie! … more

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A bright spot on an otherwise gloomy day: a gift from my friend Sergio who runs the youth beach volleyball programs. I gave him an East Beach volleyball shirt a couple days ago, and he kindly reciprocated with this.