No confundas la cómoda de tu hermana, con… acomódame a tu hermana….Confucio Digs – I’m lost on this one. The caption is “A saying of Confucius.” But I have no idea what the phrase means.
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No confundas la cómoda to tu hermana…
Espero que sigan bien ya que pasó la tormenta Odile. Y son muy buenas las fotos que sacaste. Me parece muy bonita y cómoda tu casa, Miguel…pero prefiero una habitación en La Miserable. Acomódame a las chicas allí por favor ja ja. Si entiendes este post, has progresado mucho con tu español. Si no entiendes… just don’t ask for a translation at La Miserable. digs _____________ MD Translation (with a little help from Google Translate; … more
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Le Miserable, a mezcaleria, directly across from nuestra casa. Serving only mezcal and beer. No extra charge for the worm. “There is a saying attributed to Oaxaca regarding the drink: "para todo mal, mezcal, y para todo bien también” (“for everything bad, mezcal; for everything good, the same”).“ Visions of 1977 Grove Acres. Yikes!
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Mural in our hood. Interpretations invited.
Who are new blog members ulfie22, msaxolotl, grazhoppah and b1uddykd?
I know who the other 37 of you are, nearly all of you choosing user names that are more or less transparent, but new members ulfie22, grazhoppah, msaxolotl and b1uddykd remain enigmatic outliers. Please let me know who you are so my curiosity can be quelled.
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Another view of our new home and palapa tower. La palapa vive!
Video of La Paz after Hurricane Odile
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Cafe Bueycup across from new house
Huracán Odile causa un sinnúmero de destrozos en La Paz – BCS Noticias
Huracán Odile causa un sinnúmero de destrozos en La Paz – BCS Noticias
Actualmente los daños provocados por Odile son incalculables. La Paz se encuentra sin suministro de energía eléctrica ni telefonía
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More of our new digs and view