The Free Mexican Air Force (Peter Rowan)

Anyone out there remember this classic? As described by Daily Kos, One of the great songs of freedom sung by one of the great voices of folk, country, rock and/or bluegrass all of which he has graced with his talents from time to time.  And when Peter Rowan isn’t busy singing along with Jerry Garcia or his Reggae band or his bluegrass band or with Bill Monroe, Peter is telling stories of the Great Spirits. … more

What happened to the sand volleyball court on the Malecón?

When we visited La Paz in July, there was a small but well used sand volleyball court in the middle of the Malecón. Both days we were here I saw people playing, starting around 4 pm. There seemed to be permanent posts, with players bringing their own nets and lines. When I spoke with the some of the guys, they said there were regular games. Of course, I was looking forward to introducing the locals … more


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And here’s the mid-day update: currently at 95 degrees F, holding steady above 90 degrees through sunset (7:30 pm). Only then does the temperature dip into the 80s, dropping as low (maybe, hopefully) as 79.


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Today’s contribution to the Baja economy, $2150 MXN (=$163 USD) for two good helmets and a bike lock, about the same price that Simon paid for one of our mountain bikes. Safety prevailed over frugality.


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Only expected to be 93 today. What happens though is that the temp peaks around 3 pm and doesn’t cool until after sunset, making afternoons on a bike brutal. Saturday will be an oven, then thankfully it cools.